Tag: Toronto
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Canada, Entertainment, Folk music, Music, NJN
Fans of Ron Hynes Pack Cohn Auditorium For Benefit

Canada, Folk music, Music, NJN, Nova Scotia, Ontario
Concerts to Raise Funds for Singer Songwriter Ron Hynes

Canada, Free speech, NJN, Ontario
Great Bubble Battle safe for Toronto at Queen and Spadina

Canada, Civil Rights, Federal Government, Free speech, Music, NJN, Ontario
Canadian Musicians Speak Out on G20 Protests in Toronto

Canada, Civil Rights, Federal Government, Free speech, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Harper reacts with police violence to public protest

Canada, Civil Rights, Federal Government, Free speech, Human Rights, NJN, Ontario
G20 Sunday Toronto as a police state

Canada, Civil Rights, Federal Government, Free speech, Human Rights, NJN, Ontario
G20 Photo coverage Saturday

Canada, Federal Government, News, NJN, Ontario, video
Toronto Police in Full Riot Gear Beat Peaceful G20 Protesters

Health care, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island