Civil Rights, Human Rights, NJN
Author: Stephen Pate
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Publisher of NJN Network, Stephen has covered pop, jazz, folk and rock music since 1964, and spent 2 decades as the founder of serial IT startups. He has a great wife, 10 children, a growing number of grandchildren and is passionate about music and disability advocacy.
Bob Dylan, Human Rights, Music, NJN
The magic in a little boy’s eyes
No grandstand for Summerside Raceway
Infrastructure money will help fund Murphy’s Community Centre renovations
Civil Rights, Disability Alert, Human Rights, NJN
Bill Lynch knew how to treat people
Acadian computer ghosts redux
Disability review committee’s preliminary report completed
Can a damaged brain change its own structure and replace lost functions?
I have a crush on Rosa Parks
Civil Rights, Disability Alert, Education, Human Rights, NJN, People with disabilities