Author: Stephen Pate
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Publisher of NJN Network, Stephen has covered pop, jazz, folk and rock music since 1964, and spent 2 decades as the founder of serial IT startups. He has a great wife, 10 children, a growing number of grandchildren and is passionate about music and disability advocacy.
Humour, Lifestyles, My cousin Steve Pate, NJN
Looking for my Chinese cousin Steve in all the wrong places
Entertainment, Movies, Music, NJN
Aimee Mann – Save Me
Canada, Government of PEI, Music, Music business, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Insider dealing at Music PEI
Civil Rights, Government of PEI, Human Rights, Music, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Bigotry and discrimination at Music PEI
My cousin Steve Pate, NJN, Sports, USA
My cousin Steve Pate -2 and middle of the pack at Texas Open
Canada, Civil Rights, Law, Media, NJN, Ontario
Don’t expect your work computer to be private
Canada, My cousin Steve Pate, NJN, PEI, Politics, USA
My cousin Jim Pate leaves meeting due to conflict of interest
Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, YouTube