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Microsoft offers free Windows 8 book for IT Pros

Free eBook - Introducing Windows 8 for IT professionals

Introducing Windows 8: An Overview for IT Professionals (Preview Edition)

Free eBook – Introducing Windows 8 for IT professionals

Microsoft is offering another free book about Windows 8.

This one is directed at IT professionals who will install and support the new operating system.

The free eBook is available as a download from Microsoft Books or from or $14.99.

The book is a preview of the final book so some things may get changed in the editing. The cover has changed titles to “Introducing Windows 8 for Network Administrators.”

So far what I have read is well written and illustrated in the usual style of Microsoft self-help books.

The book can be read with the Windows 8 eBook reader or Adobe Acrobat. I printed mine out so I could read it offline, so I guess it wasn’t totally free.

From the Publisher

“The Windows 8 operating system is the newest member of the Microsoft Windows family.

It differs from earlier Windows releases as much for what it does not change as for what it does change. That is, the features that IT pros loved about Windows 7 are still there in Windows 8—just better.

The same keyboard shortcuts, management tools, security features, and deployment options are available in Windows 8. But in many cases, Windows 8 improves them in intuitive and significant ways.

Some examples are the ribbon in File Explorer and faster disk encryption when using BitLocker Drive Encryption. This book describes these enhancements plus many of the new features in Windows 8.”

Microsoft will update this post with a link to the final eBook when it is ready.

The print copy is being published on December 3, 2012.

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