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Fans of Ron Hynes Pack Cohn Auditorium For Benefit

The 2nd of 5 benefit concerts for singer songwriter Ron Hynes plays to sold out crowd

Ron Hynes Man of a Thousand Songs

Ron Hynes Man of a Thousand Songs

More than 1,000 fans packed the Rebecca Cohen Auditorium in Halifax, Nova Scotia last night to raise money for Newfoundland singer-songwriter Ron Hynes, the proverbial “Man of a Thousand Songs.”

Hynes, who wrote the popular “Sonny’s Dream”, was recently diagnosed with cancer of the throat and is undergoing treatment in Newfoundland.

Ron Hynes is fighting for his life and his friends are rallying around to help him in a series of benefits called “The Power of Song – Rallying ‘Round for Ron Hynes.”

The Halifax concert is the second in the series of five benefits that have been arranged spontaneously by music associates of Hynes to raise money to help the ailing performer.

The next coRallying for Ronncert will be in St John’s, Newfoundland on September 30 at Delta St. John’s Hotel Ballroom.

Originally planned for one benefit in Toronto, Ontario, demand by performers to volunteer and tickets forced the promoters to book two shows at Hugh’s Room on October 12th and 13th.

Halifax Power of Song

Rallying for Ron entertainers

Some of the Rally ‘Round Ron Hynes performers – Kathy Jones. Bruce Guthro, Laura Smith, Kim Dunn, Dave Gunning and JP Cormier (photo

The sold out audience in Halifax were treated to the best in Maritime entertainment with “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” Kathy Jones acting as emcee.

It’s difficult to carry off a serious benefit without becoming maudlin however the strong vibe for Ron Hynes was offset with humor. The evening was entertaining and serious at the same time.

The night was filled with hope and joy and some of the best music we have in the region. It ended on a high note with an all-performer and audience sing-along of “Sonny’s Dream” what else.

Jones kept the evening moving with witty and human stories about her friend Ron Hynes.

“I always knew I could fill the Cohn,”  Hynes told his manager Lynn Horne from his home in Newfoundland.

Entertainers included Lennie Gallant, Catherine MacLellan, Bruce Guthro, Charlie A’Court, Cory Tetford, Dave Gunning, JP Cormier, Laura Smith, Stephen Fearing and the Rhapsody Quintet.

Each performer had personal and professional tales about Ron Hynes who was described as a “character” by all. The format was one song of Ron Hynes and one by the artist.

Island broadcaster Eric MacEwen and Newfoundland author Donna Morrissey gave recitations and told more stories about the colorful Hynes. The house band included pianist Kim Dunn, drummer Keith Mullins and bassist Allie Bennett.

Canso, Nova Scotia “Stanfest” producer Troy Greenhorn organized the event. CBC recorded the event and will broadcast it at some point.

The Night of a Thousand Songs – The stars come out for Ron- St. John’s

The September 30th benefit at the Delta St. John’s Newfoundland will feature Alan Doyle, Amelia Curran, Tim Baker, Cory Tetford, The Duane Andrews Quartet with Jenny Gear, members of The Atlantic String Quartet, The Dardanelles, The Once and Joel Thomas Hynes. Check out Facebook  or the link for details.

Toronto Benefits at Hugh’s Room

The Toronto events are a who’s who of the Ontario music scene as Ron Hynes friends pay tribute to the songwriter and help raise money in his darkest hour.

October 12th performers includes Ron Sexsmith, Ashley MacIsaac, Sylvia Tyson, Joan Besen (of Prairie Oyster) , Michael Ondaatje, Nancy White, and Paul Mills.

The October 13th benefit will present Murray McLauchlan, Kim Stockwood, Royal Wood, Mary Walsh, Terry Kelly, Laura Smith, Barry Canning, Michael Ondaajte, and Seamus O’Regan.

Check with Hugh’s Room for additional artists and to book tickets.

If you can’t get to one of the benefits, pick up Ron Hynes latest CD “Stealing Genius” which is a brilliant and touching collaboration with Newfoundland writers and poets.

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1 Comment

  1. Roch lobster

    That is pianist/singer-songwriter Kim Dunn, and NOT C Tetford.



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