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Stephen’s most excellent adventure in Sackville

Interviewing Blackie and the Rodeo King whilst enjoying a most excellent rock show and meeting a girl from the Island what odds?

Blackie and the Rodeo Kings at the Live Bait in Sackville NB (photo Stephen Pate iPhone 4 Hipstamatic)

I raced a snowstorm going over to Sackville New Brunswick for a Blackie and the Rodeo Kings show and lived to tell the tale.

I must say that my most excellent adventure was not even on the table Monday morning but it taught me you have to trust Twitter and Facebook in a storm.

It was a quiet Monday when I got FB’d by Tom Wilson that he was playing New Brunswick with Blackie and the Rodeo Kings. 

Don’t miss them tonight at The Playhouse in Fredericton

These guys are awesome – saw them years ago at the Horseshoe Tavern and have been trying to get the Charlottetown blues and jazz festival to book them for years.

Tom Wilson is going to be on PEI with Lee Harvey Osmond on Friday at The Dunk and Saturday at Hunter’s so I figured it was a mistake. It’s a different band except Tom Wilson is in both bands.

Facebook and email messages flew to everyone who knew the guys.

Spoke to Diane Fullerton at the Live Bait Theatre. Yes they were coming. Wow, book my ticket and send me details.

Had to write that up on NJN and get the message out because Diane said ticket sales were slow with exam week at Mount Allison.

FB’d and Tweeted everyone I know – about 6,000 of them – including Josh Ellis (Grass Mountain Hobos) who goes to Mount Allison and Jess Palmer who played Always on Stage a few years back, also at Mount A.

Tried to make contact with Colin Linden or Tom Wilson for an interview – that would be sweet and finally at 8:55 pm Colin’s management gave me his cell number.

Up so early writing Blackie and the Rodeo Kings play New Brunswick tonight story that my eyes were getting heavy by mid-morning.  Gave Colin a call about the interview and fell asleep when blues piano cell phone rang.

“Hey Stephen, yeah that would be cool. Come over for the sound check at the Live Bait at 4:30 pm. We’ll do the interview.”

Grabbed my gear including video camera, digital recorder, tripod, Flip-Cam, extra batteries and tape. You never know what will happen.

Tweet @sdpate Off to Sackville to meet up with Colin Linden

Facebook – Stephen Pâté Gettin’ ready to head over to Sackville NB for the Blackie and the Rodeo Kings show – gonna be awesome

The ride over was great, dry clear and smooth sailing.

With directions from Google Maps on the iPad got to the Live Bait and was warmly welcomed by Diane and her husband Dave who said ticket sales were brisk today.

Dave immediately knew I was from Cape Breton not PEI. Even in New Brunswick, 35 years on PEI isn’t enough to blur your roots.

Facebook Stephen Pâté At Blackie and the Rodeo sound check @ Live Bait Theatre Sackville NB

Interviewed Colin first. “Kings and Queens is coming out for Mother’s Day.”  He went off to do a sound check.

Live Bait Theatre sound check for Blackie and the Rodeo Kings (Stephen Pate iPhone 4 Hipstamatic)

Stephen Fearing and I headed to the office for some peace and quiet, except the phone was ringing all the time. “Kings and Queens is coming out for Mother’s Day,” he said “because Colin says it is.”

I got more out of them than that and will post the full interviews next week. Tom did that chord thing he does when he wants the sound check to start in earnest. Stephen had to go and take up the center position in the band.

Facebook Edith Larkin Hey me too, maybe I’ll see you there !! can I drive you home ??

Facebook Stephen Pâté Baby you can drive my car

I’m enjoying my first Budweiser of the day, content with interviews when Tom Wilson jumps off the stage and lunges towards me. He’s a big man when he stands close or far.

“Hold this camera, Stephen, is it Stephen or Richard? Film each song for YouTube. I’ll give you the cue.”

No way, I sent Edith to the car for my tripod and set the camera up.

While they argued about songs and sound, the camera kept shutting down. Edith fixed it. Handy gal to meet in a club in Sackville NB.

While the camera was rolling, grabbed my iPhone and started shooting the songs. Everything seemed fair game.

Here’s the video uploaded from the iPhone.

They broke for supper and we split.

Next – More about Stephen’s most excellent adventure in Sackville with Blackie and the Rodeo Kings.

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