Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

Humour, People

You gotta have heart

My uncle has his first heart attack in his mid 50’s.

We were very worried about him being so young and all.

One day I went to see him at home and asked him how he felt.

“Great,” he said. “I follow the doctor’s orders.”

“He said cut back to one beer a day.”

“So I switched to quarts, one in the daytime and one at night.”

He just celebrated his 86th birthday.

(dedicated to Chuck Arsenault, who after I told him my uncle’s true funny story realized he steal might abscond with it, Chuck being a better comedian than I)


  1. Chuck

    You’re a funny man, Stephen.
    I’m not sure what abscond means, but whatever it is, I’ll make sure to get one. They sound tasty. Is it kinda like a scone?
    Anyways, thanks for the joke and the well wishes!

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    I’ll ask me mutter for de recipee

  3. MusicLover

    Behave and take it easy, Chuck! We want you around for a long time yet.

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