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Daniel Lanois new Black Dub CD streamed

Black Dub CD

Update Free stream ends Nov. 23rd – You can hear all of “Black Dub” or individual songs on NPR

Black Dub - Brian Blade, Daniel Lanois, Trixie Whitley and Daryl Johnson (Black Dub photo)

The long awaited new CD from Daniel Lanois will be officially released on November 2, 2010.

It is available on iTunes, by pre-order at Black, and Black Dub.

You can stream the whole CD or just a few songs on NPR. (I have no idea how long that will last. The stream for Bob Dylan’s last release went dead within a week.)

Based on a first listen, the CD sounds more polished and balanced than the studio cuts Lanois released in the spring.  It’s all in the mixing and mastering which is where Lanois shines – the finished product. 

Lanois has given over the vocals to Trixie Whitley almost exclusively. I’m not sure if Lanois devotees will warm to that.

It’s amazing that he would relinquish center stage to a newcomer.  Humble of him but we do like to hear Lanois sing.

Daniel Lanois was working on finishing the CD when he had a near-fatal, motorcycle accident in June of this year.

Despite serious injuries, since the accident Lanois finished Le Noise for Neil Young, the Black Dub CD and participated in Nuit Blanche, the live show in Toronto.

Black Dub CD

Lanois is the famed musician and producer who has been U2’s producer since Joshua Tree. He also produced Bob Dylan’s come-back CD Oh Mercy and later the double Grammy winning Time Out of Mind.

Lanois started out as a rock musician in Hamilton, Ontario with a music studio in his basement. He and his brother honed their chops recording local bands.

Later Lanois started working with Brian Eno as a protege on the first U2 album. The next one was his to manage when Eno went into semi-retirement.

Lanois’ own music has been lush and lyrical, with deep layers of sound.  He has a strong cult following that adores his work.

Despite knowing who he was through Dylan, it took my daughter dragging me to a Lanois concert in Toronto about time of Shine to appreciate him. He was mesmerizing in concert, a real treat.

In the earlier CD Acadie he explored his French Canadian roots with songs like Jolie Louise and Under a Stormy Sky.

Enjoy the NPR preview.

Where to find Lanois music

Cult musicians like Lanois often get dropped from labels. Lanois left his label and took back his music years ago. Sometimes finding his music takes a little leg work.

Sony has taken Black Dub so expect all kinds of weird rules like you can’t order the pre-release from and there are no special editions. has a Lanois store now. Some of the first editions are going for $30 to $100. (Canada) stocks Acadie (Gold Top Ed) at $15, less than the US site. They also stock Shine for $9 which is a again less than the US.

The also have the pre-order of Black Dub for $12 or $24 for vinyl.

His Red Floor Records can be found on Daniel where he stocks everything in print. I’ve gotten signed editions from his music store in the past and they send out lovely gifts. Red Floor Records also has digital downloads.

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