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Canada, NJN, Nova Scotia, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Saturday 9 AM Look out Nova Scotia and PEI! It’s here

9 AM rain on radar from Environment Canada

Rain is heavy across half of Nova Scotia but the sun is out in Charlottetown with winds picking up and the power going off and on since 8:20 AM

9 AM rain on radar from Environment Canada

Tropical storms and hurricanes are weird. The calm before the storm is true. Halifax is expected to get winds over 100 km/h and heavy rain. Even with Earl offshore, the rain is heavy in Nova Scotia in Yarmouth, the Valley and Lunenburg all the way to the edge of Halifax.

Halifax just got an updated forecast and warning “Halifax Metro and Halifax County West continued Persons in or near this area should be on the lookout for adverse weather conditions and take necessary safety precautions. Watch for updated statements.”

The power has taken my computer down twice since 8:20 while trying to update this story. Could be a crazy day.

For weather radar updates, bookmark Environment Canada.

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