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Google invades privacy says watchdog group with cartoon

Consumer Watchdog has prepared an animation the suggests Google’s privacy policies amount to “oogling”

Consumer Watchdog is preparing to pull billboard size adds in Times Square to lampoon and protest Google’s ever-increasing gathering of private information. They will also have a animation campaign that makes the point with sinister humor.

Ironically, the video is posted on Google owned YouTube.

Consumer Watchdog is hoping to build public and political support for some sort of “do not watch me” control on Google.

Google responded to ComputerWorld that Consumer Watchdog is attention seeking.

“In a brief statement, a Google spokesman dismissed Consumer Watchdog’s campaign.”

“We like ice cream as much as anyone, but we like privacy even more,” the spokesman said, “That’s why we provide tools for users to control their privacy online, like Google Dashboard, Ads Preferences Manager, Chrome incognito mode and ‘off the record’ Gmail chat.” All of these tools can be accessed by users at, he added.”

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