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New JFK photo from 50s could have sabotaged Presidency

TMZ photo of JFK circa mid-50s in the Mediterranean

John F. Kennedy was having a good time on yacht with several naked women

TMZ is breaking a story about a long forgotten photo of John F. Kennedy.

Then Senator John F. Kennedy was previously reported to have vacationed on a yacht in the Mediterranean with his brother Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator George Smathers.

The photo, which experts for TMZ say is authentic, shows several nude women sun bathing and diving off the boat.

Of course, in the prudish environment of US politics where politicians only have sex with their wives, the photograph might have scuttled Kennedy’s shot at the Presidency and altered history forever.

The photograph was taken while the trio were on vacation. Jackie Kennedy would have a miscarriage while JFK was away on the yachting trip.

Kennedy’s sexual exploits were well known in the press but under-reported in pre-Watergate days of the press covering up the philandering of public figures. Today, stories of sexual escapades are all the rage and regular fare for TV comedians such as Jay Leno.

Kennedy was linked later to a affairs with Marilyn Monroe and Judith Campbell Exner, the girl friend of a mafia don Sam Giancana and Frank Sinatra.

TMZ had several photography experts examine the photo and it appears to be from the 1950s and not altered. The yacht owner, who rented the boat to the Kennedy’s, gave the photo to a Long Island car dealer. The car dealer is said to have bragged about the photo.

“The man kept it in a drawer for years, and would brag to friends he had an image of JFK on a boat with naked women. The man died 10 years ago and one of his sons inherited the photo.” TMZ

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