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Maritime Electric energy program fails as expected

Kim Griffin, aspect ratio squeeze by CBC, energy crunch by Old Man Winter

Kim Griffin, aspect ratio squeeze by CBC, energy crunch by Old Man Winter

Kim Griffin, aspect ratio squeeze by CBC, energy crunch by Old Man Winter

Program design was geared toward useless PR stunt

With story from CBC

The voluntary program with rewards to drop our energy consumption during December was bound to fail.

As one person put it – Kim Griffin must be the Grinch who stole Christmas.

Christmas lights notwithstanding, most Islanders during the cold months of winter have few options to reduce their energy consumption.

We already have set-back thermometers, insulation up that yazoo and those horrible fluorescent light bulbs that are too dim and may blow up.

Did anyone tell Maritime Electric it is cold in December and we want to keep warm?

Look for more public relations events as Maritime Electric tries to maneuver itself better in the coming Hydro Quebec perfect storm.

The comments, as usual, on the CBC story are priceless.

We signed up for the Winter Challenge but are not hopeful of achieving the 10% reduction since, like so many Islanders we have already reduced our energy consumption to the bare minimum. Outside of using candle light and cooking on the barbeque all winter, there’s very little else we can do. CBC

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