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Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Abuse from Pat and the Elephant

Pat and the Elephant

Pat and the Elephant wheelchair transportation service manager was verbally abusive to disabled person in wheelchair

Pat and the Elephant

Pat and the Elephant

On Friday, March 6, 2009 I was emotionally abused and threatened with abandonment approximately 3 miles from my home while in my wheelchair.

The abuser was none other than Trent Costello the manager of Pat and the Elephant.

When it’s winter, snowing and your stuck in a 250 lb wheelchair, they have you at their mercy. This is not the first time Costello has done this to me. I asked myself and the Board at Pat and the Elephant: should people in wheelchairs be abused by caregivers and care providers?

It is not unheard of: there are many documented cases of provider abuse and every person with a disability has been abused at least once.

I reviewed this with David MacCallum, President of Pat and the Elephant who says “the matter was handled appropriately.” This is a typical board decision: they usually stand behind the employee when they lack empathy and identification with the the disabled victim.

Luckily for me I had a my video camera and recorded my recollection and feelings at the time. A week later it is still hard for me to watch. The feelings of fear and abandonment returned instantly.

If it is -3 degrees with light snow in the winter and you are confined to a wheelchair, you are relying on a wheelchair service like Pat and The Elephant. If you made reservations ahead of time, that should be all you need to worry about. If they cannot serve your needs, they can treat you kindly and with respect. It is not acceptable to terrorize people in wheelchairs, who are helpless to move without help. Telling them you will not take them home, not pick them up, pick them up when you feel like it and threatening to discontinue service for no reason whatsoever is abusive.

In late November 2008, I was downtown on a winter day waiting for my 2 PM pickup from Pat and the Elephant. Something happened and they said they were too busy to pick me up until almost 5 PM. I did not know how to cope. I was exhausted and needed to rest. You can’t take a 250 lb wheelchair in a cab or a bus. Desperate, I got a friend to bring me some warmer clothing and a blanket.

I drove home in the wheelchair in the freezing cold. I was sick for several days and right after that got the flu which lasted on and off for three months.

Friday’s trip was my first outing with Pat and The Elephant since Christmas. It was so discouraging to be abused by Costello for literally nothing. He is a man with a very short fuse.

Pat and the Elephant is a not-for-profit organization subsidized by the government, public organizations and private individuals. It has a duty of care to the disabled community on PEI. The employees of Pat and the Elephant cannot capriciously decide to refuse service to someone who is in obvious need. It is unethical and most likely a violation of human rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. No decent person would do it.

Trent Costello, manager Pat and the Elephant, is abusive to persons with disabilities

Trent Costello, manager Pat and the Elephant, is abusive to persons with disabilities

If there ever was a need to refuse service, it means the person in the wheelchair would be denied access to the hospital, their doctor, and society in general. The decision would only be made after careful and thorough consideration, allowing everyone involved to work through the issues. Any decision like that denies the disabled person access which a fundamental right of persons with disabilities.

Threats and abuse delivered by Mr. Costello should not reflect the Board of Directors of Pat and the Elephant. Mr. Costello has a short temper and loses it on a regular basis. I have been the subject of his anger before.

I asked the Board to comment on this and assure me that Mr. Costello will not abuse me or other persons with disabilities again. While I offered to show them the video, they didn’t want to see it. There response was “We advise that the Board of Pat and the Elephant has conducted an internal investigation and in our opinion this matter was handled appropriately by our Coordinator and staff.” They also add “We trust this will bring this matter to a close.” Sorry, I’m not about to sweep the matter under the rug. We need to learn what is going on with Costello and Pat and the Elephant.


  1. Rob Harding

    I would love to make a comment! have But first I will check with the powers to be…..Mr Pate , I believe you have misguided and may stretched the facts to your liking…please stand by while I collect my thoughts!

  2. Rob Harding

    Actually the powers to be is my wife….and Stephen …let’s call a spade a spade ……..story telling is a love of yours …regardless of the facts!

  3. Rob Harding

    Who moderates the comments ?

  4. Rob Harding

    Steve , I am not insulting you…I am entertained by you . I just hope that when I write my feelings and factual events that they will be treated in the same manner and will be allowed to be posted on this site. Is this something I can count on or will my writing be dismissed ?

  5. Rob Harding

    Mr Pate, my comments I stand behind…. I too am an advocate for person’s with disabilities . Where as for your article , I read it , was angry , then read it and listened to it again, then I laughed , and talked to some people and seen how much the article has hurt so many people.

    Let me make a few statements . First and foremost, I am a driver at Pat and the Elephant . I love what I do there. I enjoy the company of 98% of our clients. The other 2% are the people who I can just not please.

    That being said, I have driven you Stephen many times. That being said , I would place you most certainly in the 98%. You always would engage in conversation and the trips were always pleasant.

    Now that that is out of the way lets chat about the issue at hand! I have been a driver with P&E since 1997. You probably don’t even know who I am. I am very kind and very professional at what I do, as well as the other 14 drivers and Management at P&E Stephen I wonder if your article that you wrote regarding Trent was to inform the public of such a monster or was it a personal issue …..there is a difference between the two.

    Now, to the defense on Trent and the organization of P&E. You and I discussed trough this media about truth stretching and fact stretching. Stephen, you need to know that I am not writing this to hurt you or get back at you. I am writing this so the public is aware of the wonderful care and professionalism they would receive when using P&E.

    Stephen as you are aware our service is mostly on a on call booking system. For example, you to use our service, you call the office and book a time. On any given day we have at least four to five calls every half hour . That gives us time to get from one location to another. That being said, there are times when you are certain that a half hour is plenty of time to go from point A to point B.

    Then all of a sudden there is a change of plans, mom has to go to the wash room , or we can’t get dad down the stairs or whatever. Some time we are late, as was your case earlier in the day. Then, when you were at the confed Centre, it is my understanding that our driver informed you that someone would be there at 12:30.

    That person I was told, showed up there at 12:20 ….that in my books is early….she had another call at one o’clock that she had to get to, at 12:40 ish there was still no sign of you so she had received direction to go and get her one o’clock call . Then another driver was dispatched to go and pick you up. The public needs to know that a decision like that was based on the facts that our client is aware of his or her scheduled pick up time.

    Please also note that the weather and the time of day are major factors in the decision making. For example, had Stephen been out side in the elements , like he claimed , we would have stayed for him and the one o’clock call would have been delayed. But because Stephen was inside a decision was made to send another driver. At no point would I or any other driver leave a client in the cold. Quite the opposite, we drop what we are doing and consider anyone stranded in the elements a priority. I have to go, but I will be back. But before I go, like I said be for, I have been with P&E since 1997 and we have never refused to transport anyone to a Dr or an medical appointment . We are here to serve those who needs us.

    As for Trent, I do not think this was a good venue to vent you feeling over him. He is , in my opinion one of the best bosses I have ever had , I say that with no hesitation . He is an outstanding gentleman who I am pleased to say I know and work for , and is truly a friend who deeply cares about everyone he comes in contact with.

    I believe with all my heart that you my friend were way out of line when you labeled Trent. The same labeling that you and your organization have been fighting for years. I can only hope that you two can settle your difference because nothing will be solved through this form of discussion . Mr Pate you are a good man , I really hope you can take a look at the events of that day and reflect , does Mr Costello deserve his character to be drug through the mud, does the community at large benefit from any of this ? What is the advocate relaying here ? The facts are this …..a situation blown way out of context . Blessings to you Mr Pate ….I hope to drive you some day , and I hope you find your experience to be professional and kind.

  6. Tracy

    After watching your aweful video I can see that you need to be educated!

  7. Tracy

    That part where Mr. Costello is taking your abuse, and you are being a bully through the internet.

  8. Mum To 2 Special Girls

    I am truly disgusted at the Treatment of this person with special needs

    I am a mum to 2 girls with special needs and was considering using P&E for their transportation but due to this and the recent issues with abuse from another driver i am glad that i have not subjected my children to this service

    to the board of P&E you need to seriously look into who you hire to transport these special angels young & old because no matter how great or small the disability there is still no excuse or reason for this type of treatment

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