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Another eBay scam – friendly bid pumping

When sellers pump the bids buyer beware


Amended – 9:09 pm see below

As a confirmed eBay-aholic, I see some pretty weird things. There are scams all over the place and eBay has its share.

One that is becoming common is the low-ball starting price and then pumping the bids from “friendly buyer accounts”.

My take on eBay is if the seller is lying about one thing, then he’s probably lying about most of the listing. Legitimate sellers will lay the facts on the line.

My first red flag is when the seller says he used the item only at church. That’s like the little old lady who drove the car to church on Sunday.

Here’s one for a pre-amp which is worth about $2,000.

The picture is not stock so that’s good. Item looks to be in excellent shape and has only been used as a “DI at my church gig, and then off and on since.” Maybe yes and maybe no.

The bidding started at an enticing $100 and putzes around there for a few days – a few people have the hook in their mouths.

Then on the third day someone bids $350. Two days later the same person bids $500 but it’s not honest bidding.

TD1 buyer history a

Bid history - click for larger image

The bidder has very low trade volume and most of it with this seller. Probably the seller set this up account bid on a few things for some history and started pumping up his own bids.

I suppose a lot of people do it but if the seller will cheat on this part of the deal, what else is true and false? Too complicated.

Good sellers on eBay sell good products at market. If they want a minimum price they set it.

Some people try a low starting point, low freight charges or other inducements to hook the gullible and the greedy.

Amendment – in deference to the seller who is adamant that he a) used the unit in church and b) is not bid rigging, we have removed the identity of the item and the seller.

Notwithstanding that, the bid pumping scam goes on all the time on eBay and destroys the trust of the buyers. We stand by the story if not the specific illustration.


  1. Jeff

    Nice fact checking. I’ve reported you to eBay for harassment.

  2. tim

    seriously, this is ridiculous. I know the seller. i go to church with him. i am actually the music director and have seen this unit many times. it is amazingly humorous that someone has written this about him. this is a legit auction.

  3. Jeff

    Here is Steven Pate’s response:

    Dear moorebass,

    Freedom of speech and the press allows me to report I feel is true.

    You have the right to post what ever response you like and I suggest you put the long response on the website.

    What is the relationship if any between you and the bidder who upped the bid to $350 and then $500.

    Your points are all well taken and I wish you luck on your sale.

    I believe Oliver Wendell Holmes stated it best Mr. Pate: “The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begans”

    By posting this article you have cause harm to my auction. Don’t hide behind free speech.

  4. Chris

    I go to church with the seller. He’s an honest man and I’ve seen the unit a myriad of times during our services. As a consumer I understand your concern for protecting yourself and other consumers. However, you have a discrepency in your assesment. Please reconsider your actions. The seller isn’t scaming anyone. The sell is honest. Thank you.

  5. Hi,
    I am an Israeli bass player ( I was bidding with complete honesty and I am not affiliated to the seller in any way!

  6. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    The Seller withdrew his auction probably to cool it off. In the meantime other instances of bid pumping are easy to find. Check out this one where the buyer does 83% of his business with the seller. Do they know each other?

    Millennia Media pre-amp

  7. mjs

    I agree with Pate. I like how they hide behind the fact that this individual goes to church and that they saw the unit. Pate clearly states he believes the item is probably legit and that he might even buy the church bit. There are just as many dishonest individuals who attend church as there are honest individuals who are not affiliated with any church so don’t pull that church crap- it doesn’t mean $h@t. There are plenty of honest people who commit acts of dishonesty too so just admit you got caught. Nice work Pate- I’m with you- he’s a scammer!!

  8. Ayrtzk

    Anybody who lost the money on Ebay should report it as loses then they filling tax declaration.

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