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Hidden Susan Boyle in all of us

Susan Boyle, she has the gift and she's one of us

Susan Boyle, she has the gift and she's one of us

Susan Boyle, she has the gift and she's one of us

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, April 19 2009

Why does Susan Boyle win our hearts? She has a gorgeous voice. I still can’t believe the emotion it expresses. Broadway stars and Tony Bennett have practiced a lifetime for that tone, the inflection, the feeling. God gave it to her to sing while she cooked bread for him mom. As an amateur singer who fell in love with Elvis and Mario Lanza on tone alone, I’m floored.

Susan was dissed by the smarty pants judges. Imagine Simon being floored. Wouldn’t you like that to happen for you when some critical person in power said you weren’t good enough? Not good enough to get a job, get a loan, be someone’s friend. Perhaps even not good enough to marry someone you loved, not good enough to be a part of some uppity family.

The ugly duckling story is part of it. Most of us are plain looking, a tad over the government weight chart. We have defects. I’ve walked with a limp all my life and avoided mirrors. In my imagination I don’t limp: I walk like Mel Gibson. Here is a person who is just like us, ordinary and yet extraordinary all at once. Maybe in this time of recession, greed and worry, it’s good to remember that God looks into our souls not the the few millimeters of skin that covers our bodies.

We are not what we look like. We are something different – how we act. Looks are irrelevant and often a negative clue to someone’s personality.

The most beautiful person in the world to me was my mother-in-law. By looks she was short, over weight and bent by raising a family in poverty.

Martha had the biggest and most generous heart of anyone on this planet. She was Mother Theresa on PEI. Despite her own trials, she looked after everyone else. At her house she cooked a big supper every night into her old age. Martha would give you tea, desert and then ask you to take a plate to one of the local bachelors who needed a meal.

One Saturday she asked me to drive her to Montague. Sure I said. Can we pick up Leslie, an old bachelor. Sure I said. We drove Leslie all over Montague and Poole’s Corner. The trip was to help Leslie not her. Martha taught me about patience, kindness and not judging people by their clothes or how they looked.

The whole entertainment industry plays on the perfection image which is about as false as it gets. Looks mean nothing. Real people look like real people not movie stars.

We like Susan Boyle because she is a fantastic singer and she looks like us. She’s probably been dissed a lot in her life and there she is all cheery. Susan would have been cheery if she hadn’t won anything. Another important lesson in life.

Here’s that fan site.


  1. Amen. Who defines UGLY anyway.. only those with earthly values. I wrote this in 1983 and it is my favorite verse in any poem I have ever written.

    I know I’m gonna make it through, for He has promised me.
    I might not have a joyous life, but there’s this guarantee.
    “That even though my walk on earth, may always seem uphill,
    I’ll have the tools to make that climb by walking in His will.
    And though my bank account may seem much too close to naught,
    Fortunes stored up here on earth will mold, decay and rot.
    My treasures are in heaven in the palace of my King.
    And one day I will be there with Him and glad Hosannas sing.

  2. justin

    Without an inkling of doubt I have to say WOW to Susan Boyle.
    Just when I thought the whole human race had turned into shallow uncaring physical appearance matters bunch along come Ms. Boyle.

    WOW WOW WOW….If this women doesn’t assist in hopefully transforming many people into less shallow people than I think there is no hope for any of us.

    That performance has to be the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed and also showed me just how shallow we have become.

    Everyone right now needs to go stand in front of the mirror and look deep into your eyes and look deep and find the what is there because it is not about physical beauty or prowess it is about what we could be if just all looked deep inside ourselves where our true being hides.

    Susan Boyle…Congratulations…Stephen Thank You for this!!!

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