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Facebook facilitates social change

Facebook makes social and political change become more possible. When combined with traditional media and other social media like YouTube and Blogger, Facebook becomes the next great tool in the revolution of turning the media over to people not corporations.

Facebook is the most popular of all social media right now. In Charlottetown there are more than 26,000 members in a city of 35,000. That’s up from 16,000 in the spring of 07.

Facebook is a place where people meet, usually friends but often not. People record their status, send messages, review notes pictures and videos from friends. There are games to play like scrabble and fun things.

60% of Facebook members visit every day.

Facebook is a member’s only media unlike Blogger and YouTube which allow anyone to browse. However, membership is free and easy to accomplish.

Facebook is important to Disability Alert and other social advocates because we now have access to a wider audience at low cost.

The old rules still apply: it’s all about content stupid, honesty is the policy, and junk mail is junk mail. The social media network will tolerate a range of personal behavior but it closes out institutional stupidity. Therefore, tread carefully.

PEI Disability Alert now has a Facebook Group, found in the Charlottetown Network. If you cannot find it, please email me.

This started long ago with simple email, then Compuserve and bulletin boards. In the 90’s we had the web. What’s next in social networking. Google is betting on something called OpenSocial.

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