Tag: polio
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Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights, Disability Alert, Human Rights, News, NJN, People with disabilities, USA
From the Civil Rights Act to the Disabilities Treaty

Disability Alert, Disability Supports, Health care, Human Rights, News, NJN, Social Programs
Thank You Dr. Jonas Salk For Polio Vaccine

Canada, Crime, Disability Alert, Humour, News, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Portrait of death threat graffiti artist

Human Rights, NJN, Noted on passing, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Dr. Bob Romcke dies age 80

Post Polio Syndrome Limits The Ability For Personal Goals

Human Rights, NJN, Rock and Roll
Fire Lake by Bob Seeger another hit from Muscle Shoals
Bob Dylan, Human Rights, Humour, Music, Music Resources, NJN
My Left Foot, part deux – my musical career

Americans with Disabilities Act, Human Rights, NJN
Public attitude toward disabilities took many years to transform