Tag: music business
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Music business model is a failure

Music, Music Resources, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
How Music PEI tried to crush me

Entertainment, Home Recording, Music, Music business, NJN
10 Questions About Mastering Your Recordings
Business, Computers, Music, Music business, NJN, PEI
Amazon and Tunecore team up to distribute indie musician CDs

Business, Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, YouTube
Music ownership is history says Lefsetz

Business, Computers, Entertainment, Media, Music, Music business, NJN
P2P study: Music crackdown is bad for business

Civil Rights, Government of PEI, Music business, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
You’re not good enough
Canada, Government of PEI, Law, Music, Music business, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Massive conflict of interest at Music PEI hurts musicians