Education, French language rights, Government of PEI, Human Rights, Humour, NJN, PEI, Politics, Prince Edward Island, Satire
Tag: French school
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Education, French language rights, Government of PEI, Human Rights, PEI, Politics, Prince Edward Island
Sod turning ceremony in Rustico for French school today

Canada, French language rights, Government of PEI, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Politics, Prince Edward Island
Ghiz signs $12 million deal for Francophone culture but drags heels on Rustico School

Acadian culture, Civil Rights, Education, French language rights, Government of PEI, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Lack of French-speaking librarians concerns Acadian group

Entertainment, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Time for Cymbria Lions to move on

Education, French language rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Lions Club is missing too much

Education, French language rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Lions stop thinking about our money

Education, French language rights, Government of PEI, NJN, Nova Scotia, PEI, Prince Edward Island