Tag: Bob Lefsetz
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Bob Dylan, Music, Music business, Music Resources, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
It’s the singer but he needs a great song

Music, New Brunswick, NJN, Rock and Roll
70,000 fans rock Moncton for AC DC, pundits wrong

Bob Dylan, Entertainment, Music business, NJN
Summer concert season is a bust

Skip the label Mabel, Sons of Maxwell make it big on creativity

Business, Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, YouTube
Music ownership is history says Lefsetz

Music, Music business, NJN, USA
Singer songwriters echoes Ellen on corruption in music biz

Music business, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island, USA
Ellen Shipley, songwriter, unloads on crooks in music biz
Chickenfoot – Down the Drain

Music, Music business, Music Resources, NJN