Tag: accessible
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Charlottetown, Country Music, Disability Alert, Human Rights, Live entertainment, Music, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Shania Twain Ready for People With Disabilities on PEI

Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights, Disability Alert, Human Rights, NJN
NY Times comes out swinging against access for disabled

Blues, Canada, Disability Alert, Live entertainment, Music business, New Brunswick
Harvest Blues Festival ignores disabled

Disability Alert, Human Rights, Live entertainment, Music, NJN, Rock and Roll
Jackson Browne on sleeper tour

Canada, Disability Alert, Disability Supports, Federal Government, Human Rights, News, NJN, Politics, Poverty, Social Programs
Minister responsible for disability has inaccessible office

Accessibility, Canada, Prince Edward Island, Tourism, Wheelchair
Why Paint Accessible Parking When Beaches Are Inaccessible

Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights, Human Rights, NJN, USA
ADA Still a long way to go disabled say

NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island, Tourism
Bear Shore

Charlottetown, Civil Rights, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island