Category: Canada
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Bell and Telus Service Gets Bad Marks in PEI Legisature.

Euthanasia, Federal Government, Health care, Human Rights, NJN, People with disabilities, Social Programs
Justin Trudeau Forces Liberal Party to Adopt Euthanasia

Accessibility, Federal Government
Get Approved Now for $50,000 Disability Access Grants

Accessibility, Canada, Disability Alert, Federal Government
Celebrate and Promote Cross-Canada AccessAbility Week

Fake News Big North of the Border in Canada

Apple, Canada, Computers, NJN, PEI, Technology
Apple Has Stopped Warranty Service on Prince Edward Island for Mac’s

Remembrance Day, Lest We Forget

Canada, Federal Government, Internet, News, NJN, Technology
Statistics Canada’s 2016 Census Is A Massive Fail

Canada, Federal Government, Human Rights, News, NJN, World