Americans with Disabilities Act, Business, Civil Rights, Employment, Human Rights, Law, News, NJN
Category: Law
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Entertainment, Law, Media, Media biz, Movies, Music, Social Media, video, YouTube
TechDirt posts 40,000th blog denounces SOPA
U.S. Government Seizes 82 Websites
Canada, Disability Alert, Federal Government, Human Rights, Internet, Law, News, NJN
Canadians with disabilities score human rights win
Civil Rights, Faith and Belief, Law, NJN, USA
Jehovah’s Witnesses Support Same Sex Marriage
Canada, Civil Rights, Education, Human Rights, Law, News, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
UPEI Ordered To Rehire Employees
Business, Computers, Law, NJN, Technology, UK
Buggy software makers liable for damages
Canada, Crime, Federal Government, Law, Media, NJN
Supreme Court rules against journalists confidential sources
Free press, Free speech, Law, Media, NJN
Green Party organizer wants limits on free speech
Business, Canada, Employment, Federal Government, Human Rights, Law, NJN, Recession, Social Programs