Law, Music business, NJN, USA
Category: Entertainment
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Video – Tom Fun Orcherstra Bottom of the River
NJN, Space Exploration, USA, video
Exciting few minutes before LCROSS crashes into moon
NJN, Space Exploration, USA, video
Impact with moon – we have the video
Folk music, Humour, Live entertainment, NJN, PEI, YouTube
A bit of silliness for a rainy day
Charlottetown, Human Rights, NJN, Prince Edward Island, YouTube
Video – Valerie Gillespie says Pat and the Elephant driver not safe
Celebrity, Humour, NJN, Satire, TV
How long will Letterman’s star shine with the hypo-twit label?
Advertising, NJN, Social Media
Bloggers will have to disclose freebies and endorsements
Live entertainment, Music, NJN, Rock and Roll