Entertainment, EU, Latin America, Media, NJN, World, YouTube
Category: YouTube
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Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, TV, UK, World, YouTube
Susan Boyle comes in second, who cares?
Entertainment, Folk music, Music, NJN, TV, USA, YouTube
Little Boxes
Entertainment, Live entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, PEI, Rock and Roll, YouTube
Taylor Swift and John Mayer – Best Night of My Life
Entertainment, Humour, Media, Music, NJN, Photography, YouTube
Flight of the Conchords, Vancouver + video
Business, Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, YouTube
Music ownership is history says Lefsetz
Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, USA, YouTube
Zee Avi – New singer songwriter is awesome
Movies, Music, NJN, USA, YouTube
Allee Willis new video – 91 year old drummer
Entertainment, Media, Music, NJN, YouTube
Yngwie Malmsteen – Black star
Bob Dylan, Civil Rights, Entertainment, Folk music, Free speech, Human Rights, Music, USA, YouTube