Free speech, Internet, NJN, NJN Network (tm)
Author: Stephen Pate
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Publisher of NJN Network, Stephen has covered pop, jazz, folk and rock music since 1964, and spent 2 decades as the founder of serial IT startups. He has a great wife, 10 children, a growing number of grandchildren and is passionate about music and disability advocacy.
Canada, Federal Government, Government of PEI, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island, Seniors
Minister Doug Currie negotiating new funding formula with Ottawa
Business, Computers, Microsoft, NJN, Recession
Mighty Microsoft is feeling the recession – more layoffs
Windows 7 release code May 5th, 2009
Canada, Human Rights, Media, NJN, USA
Media publish anti-disability bias
Environment, Newspapers, NJN, Politics, Racism, USA
Gwynne Dyer kill them they are only blacks
Canada, Federal Government, Human Rights, Humour, NJN, Ontario
Paraplegic Freak Show in Ottawa – one day only
Movies, My cousin Steve Pate, NJN, USA
Steve Pate, my cousin, dating Nicollette Sheridan
Canada, Charlottetown, Civil Rights, Consumer, Disability Alert, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Pat and the Elephant apologize
Canada, Faith and Belief, Free speech, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island