Consumer, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Author: Stephen Pate
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Publisher of NJN Network, Stephen has covered pop, jazz, folk and rock music since 1964, and spent 2 decades as the founder of serial IT startups. He has a great wife, 10 children, a growing number of grandchildren and is passionate about music and disability advocacy.
Internet, Media, Middle East, NJN, Photography
Raider’s of the Lost Iraq Treasures Restored
Crime, Internet, NJN, Social Media, USA
eHarmony Match from Heaven or Hell
Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island, Tourism
Problem with Lot 30 Restaurant is: do they care?
Gear, Guitars, Music, Music Resources, NJN
TC Helicon Harmony-G XT released
Human Rights, NJN, Social Media
Facebook posts cost disabled woman her benefits
Humour, Media, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island
Green Party hits low of silly complaints
Flip UltraHD camcorder do you need more?
Accessibility, Human Rights, UK