Author: Stephen Pate
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Publisher of NJN Network, Stephen has covered pop, jazz, folk and rock music since 1964, and spent 2 decades as the founder of serial IT startups. He has a great wife, 10 children, a growing number of grandchildren and is passionate about music and disability advocacy.
Spectacular video of 33,000 foot glider flight
Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island, UK
Study resurrects myth disabilities come from bad behaviour
Yeah that’s ticket…we don’t like sleazy reporting
Human Rights, NJN, Ontario, Poverty
We don’t believe estimates of welfare and disability fraud
Music, NJN, Rock and Roll, The Beatles, video
Eleanor Rigby by Paul McCartney
Why didn’t I take the job at Molson’s
Santa leaving viral lump of coal on Facebook
Live entertainment, Music, NJN, Rock and Roll