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Ghost of Pierre Trudeau Drives Justin Trudeau on Euthanasia

Liberal PM Justin Trudeau admitted his father, the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, as a major influence guiding his stance on euthanasia. (CBC Canadian Press)

Liberal PM Justin Trudeau admitted his father, the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, as a major influence guiding his stance on euthanasia. (CBC Canadian Press)

Honour Thy Father – the Trudeau Government’s compulsion and conflict of  interest with Assisted Dying

By Stephen Pate and Roger Foley, December 15th, 2020

The Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation is the Trudeau Federal Government’s driving force for euthanasia or assisted dying (MAiD). Bill C-7 is against the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Trudeau Foundation violated the Lobbying Act. And the Trudeau Foundation conducted political activity, which is not allowed for Registered Charities.

The Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation, Trudeau Government, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have a conflict of interest and bias in the Assisted Dying debate and legislation. Justin is on a mission to honour his Father’s dying wishes at all costs.

Bill C14 and Bill C-7 are illegitimate due to Trudeau’s tampering to block votes critical of Assisted Dying legalization both as Liberal Leader and Prime Minister.

The Trudeau Government has admitted that Bill C14 was a step-by-step expansion of Assisted Dying in Canada.

The conflict of interest and bias of the Trudeau Liberal Government explains their closed-minded and dangerous approach to Bill C-7. Despite overwhelming evidence, Trudeau has been unwilling to consider any amendments to protect vulnerable persons during the Justice Committee deliberation and House of Common Debates.

The Trudeau Obsession with Assisted Dying

Justin Trudeau and the Trudeau family have been obsessed with finding a way to legalize Assisted Dying since 2000.

The then-dying former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau wanted medically assisted dying when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s’ and prostate cancer. Justin Trudeau told CBC Radio his bias to legalize assisted dying was shaped by his Father.

Pierre wanted Assisted Dying because he did not wish for any prostate cancer treatments nor live with the disease and disability. Was he a coward, unable to face pain and imperfection, or was it the typical reaction of someone given a serious diagnosis? It’s not unusual for people to need time to adjust mentally to disability after a life of exceptionalism.

Pierre’s request to have Assisted Dying instead of living with Parkinson’s or taking treatments for Prostate Cancer convinced his family to get Assisted Dying legalized in the future.

Pierre contracted pneumonia and passed away from complications and depression. So, he did not have the opportunity to push the envelope for an assisted death. Justin became obsessed with legalizing Assisted Dying due to his Father’s reasoning for it.

Building a network of assisted death activists

Justin and Alexandre founded the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation to legalize personal social issues, including Assisted Dying. The Trudeau Foundation is an activism tool. The Foundation is carefully structured to slowly change public opinion on social topics, including assisted dying. Before the Carter 2011 verdict, the Foundation began to build a roster of influencers within their fellow Mentors, Leadership, and Membership ranks.

This roster of Assisted Dying activist influencers began with Daniel Weinstock in 2004 and then with additions of others such as Isabelle Chouinard (2009), Joselyn Downie (2015), Louis LeBel (2016), Samuel Blouin (2016), Lynn Smith and Thomas Cromwell (2017), and Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Beverly McLachlin (2020).

Fellows and Mentors get paid by the Foundation. For example, Beverly McLachlin is being paid $20,000 this year for her term as a Mentor plus another $15,000 for attending and producing Trudeau Foundation events: “The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation mentorship honorarium consists of $20,000, disbursed over three years. Mentors also have access to a $15,000 travel allowance to participate in Foundation learning events during and after their official mandate.” (The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Annual Report 2017-2018, page 21) The Trudeau Foundation is wealthy enough to build a roster of influential people.

There is no upper level of Canadian society that the Trudeau Foundation hasn’t influenced. For example 2016,  the Foundation supported 88 university alum mentors, 46 alum Fellows, and 128 alum scholars. The Foundation even paid mentorships to journalists like Susan Delacourt (Toronto Star) and John Stackhouse (Globe and Mail).

The Trudeau Foundation has released papers biased toward the legalization of Assisted Dying and has held, sponsored, organized, and participated in events biased toward pushing through the legalization of Assisted. You can Google them. There are too many to list.

Dying and Assisted Dying expansion

In 2016, the Foundation actively approached Federal MPs to shape Liberal MP’s response to the Carter ruling. The Trudeau Foundation held an Assisted Dying rally event on Parliament Hill with their Foundation’s members directly interacting with the Trudeau Government MPs.

The Trudeau Foundation violated lobbyist laws since it was not a registered lobbyist then. Their licence expired in 2007.

Trudeau Foundation February 2016 event “We Need To Remove the Uncertainty Around Assisted Dying.”

Why hasn’t the Trudeau Foundation been audited for its lobbying activity? We all know Justin Trudeau has enough political scandals, and maybe this one has too many highly paid and well-placed friends. I suggest the media don’t care about issues related to people with disabilities.

Ironically, while the Foundation was increasing its efforts to support Assisted Dying, the Dying with Dignity organization lost its charitable status. (CBC)

When Justin Trudeau took control of the Liberal Party in 2013, he forced a membership vote to change the Liberal Party’s stand on Assisted Dying, which upset most of the 35 Liberal MPs. Other  Liberal MPs had no fair say on the issue nor a fulsome debate. Many did not agree with the change.

But Justin pushed it through, and by May of 2015, all new Liberal candidates seeking to run as MPs had to be completely Pro-Choice. (Liberal Policy Resolution 165)

Justin could whip his party’s future votes before they were even elected. Justin removed diversity of opinion and eliminated the ability of the Liberal Party to be fair, impartial, and diligent. He turned the Liberal Party into a biased
dictatorship. Justin Trudeau forced MPs to support assisted dying or risk expulsion from the Liberal caucus.

Justin Trudeau’s anger was evident in 2016 when he attempted to whip MPs votes on Bill C14 (even though they were already pre-selected candidates with biased attitudes). A few Liberal MPs were allowed to vote against the bill for the appearance’s sake. Then, Justin had his MPs lobbied by the Trudeau Foundation to shape their views regarding Assisted Dying legalization. CBC

Then, Justin tried a Motion-6 to block the opposition from debating Assisted Dying, and Justin even got physical as the whole ‘Elbowgate’ incident was related to trying to force Motion-6 to pass Bill C14 would be undebated.

The Trudeau Foundation has again been holding Assisted Dying expansion activist events and sending out Assisted Dying expansion activist social media posts. Justin Trudeau and David Lametti stated that Bill C14 was a first step to expanding the Assisted Dying regime that they always
intended to develop it, and they plan to expand it even more after Bill C7 passes.

Justin Trudeau, the Trudeau Foundation, and the Trudeau Government are an abuse of power, privilege, and corruption of the Government’s impartiality.

The Trudeau Government is repeating their abuses with the pushing through of Bill C7 and ignoring the Assisted Dying regime abuses and wrongful deaths that have happened to vulnerable and disabled Canadians.

Tomorrow – Episode 2: How Trudeau Gamed The Charity System to Promote Euthanasia

The author  – Roger Foley, is one of 6 million Canadians living with disabilities. “Roger Foley released audio recordings of hospital staff offering him MAiD and outlining the costs of keeping him in the hospital in response to his expressed wishes to live at home with support.” Taking MAiD way too far, Macleans

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