By Stephen Pate – Apple slipped deadlines almost immediately on the Apple Watch Series 4 on release date to late October. All we can do is sit back and wait.
Initially scheduled for release September 21, 2018, deliveries of the hot new Apple Watch Series 4 are a month late – October 21th to 29th.
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Apple isn’t keeping up with promises made. On the Apple Store site, deliveries went to October 21st within hours on September 14th. The remain at 4-5 weeks depending on the model.

Best Buy
I ordered mine from Best Buy who promised to ship September 21st.
As usual, Best Buy’s Canadian website is wildly inaccurate.
They show the watch as Out Of Stock and a phone call assured me the Watch 4 will ship in 4 weeks.
Best Buy USA is promising delivery next week in some locations.
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Are people disappointed? Sure. I can wait the 4-6 weeks. I already have a Series 3 Watch, which I use to track my heart rate and workouts.
I’ll guarantee most of the new features like Falls and Start/End Workout Reminder , and Running Auto Pause won’t work out of the box. Why? Because the features that are Watch OS5 dependent don’t work on Series 3 for who people who tick “Wheelchair.”
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