Guy Davis Bans Wheelchair Access Story from Facebook page
By Stephen Pate – I just found out Guy Davis- Bluesman has banned The Truth About Guy Davis And Wheelchairs his Facebook page.
In the story we reported the fact that “Mr. Davis has refused to change his show to an accessible venue for people in wheelchairs or other disabilities, barring anyone in a wheelchair from getting in.”
Mr. Davis has refused to change his show to an accessible venue for people in wheelchairs or other disabilities, barring anyone in a wheelchair from getting in.
When I tried to post the story. I got the message my post was pending. I got an email from Thom Wolke yesterday saying,
Yes, Guy is aware. And yes, we’re aware that you’re trying to air your grievance inappropriately on Guy’s FB page that I administer.
A request for wheelchair access is not a grievance unless you don’t believe people with disabilities have human rights.
Since when does a Civil Rights activist block free, a free press speech. Too funny and sad all at once.

Guy Davis blocks NJN video and story from Facebook page
Ironically Guy Davis is Facebook sharing an earlier story we did Guy Davis On Tour From Boston To Canada and Back
Free speech is a cherished value. We don’t thing the truth hurt Mr. Davis. His show sold out. I’m sure he would like to avoid any unpleasantries.
Guy Davis do the right thing and apologize to the disability community of PEI for ignoring our human rights to make a buck. As the Bob Dylan song says “money comes and goes” but integrity can’t be bought.
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