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Microsoft Putting The Brakes On Store Returns

Returns at the Microsoft Store Take Personal Contact With Store Staff

By Stephen Pate – Returns at the Microsoft Store are taking an unusually long time during Boxing Week Sales.

There is no line-up at the counter for the online store but it can take more than half an hour to return a single item. Usually the process takes less than 10 minutes.

Today you can only return items after chatting with a Microsoft Store employee who quizzes you on why you want to return the item.

On the website, the link for “Return item” does nothing. It’s the only dead link on the page.

Microsoft says the customer is having a system error.  “You were having system error.” – that’s an interesting turn of the phrase. I’d say they are having a system error, if that’s the case.

Some people would suspect they are getting too many returns and trying to slow down the process. What do you think?

Update – a day later the “Return item” link is still dead on IE, Edge and Chrome browsers.

The only way to return something is to use Chat at which point the Chat-person engages in 30 minute conversation that includes alternate browsers and clearing the cache. It is of no value to ask why or to be impatient. Just let the chat person follow their tick list.

Here’s a recent conversation on trying other browsers

“Lilian: I see. What is the browser that you are using?

You: Leave a review opens a new tab and so does view invoice

You: Microsoft Edge but I also tried Chrome

Lilian: Okay. Do you have an Internet Explorer browser?

You: I can also click through to View Invoice

Lilian: Do you have an Internet Explorer browser?

You: Yes and I tried it now in Internet Explorer and it does not work there either.

Lilian: Please try to delete cookies and cache first.

Lilian: Using your IE browser, please go to tool menu then scroll down to Internet Options. A box will pop up and click “advanced” tab.

Lilian: Go to “security” then put a check mark on SSL and TLS. Then hit apply, and lastly click ok.

Lilian: Once you are done with this, on your keyboard, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete. On a pop up box, check the unchecked boxes and hit delete.

You: Where is security?

Lilian: That is under Advanced tab.

Lilian: Once you click Advanced tab, scroll down and locate security.

You: Got it – SSL and TLS are then under the long list

Lilian: Okay, check all uncheck boxes please.

Lilian: Then  hit Apply, then ok.

You: That didn’t change the link reaction.”



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