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NJN Gets New Mobile Format

NJN Network is converting to a new format that speeds up the site for smartphones, tablets and desktop computers

Wonder why the photo repeats above the story title?  That’s a bug in our new format for 2014, admittedly a work-in-progress but it works.

We’ve been working behind the scenes to make NJN Network more compatible with smaller screens in iPhones, Android and Windows 8 smartphones, along with all the different sized screens on tablets.

The new look is not quite there yet but we need to go live to fix the bugs that are inevitable with any major change.

Faster loading and browsing

Besides automatic formatting, we want NJN Network to be faster on your device. Today NJN is faster than ever with a Google Page Speed rating of 77 out of 100 on mobile browsers and 90 out of 100 on the desktop. In two weeks we moved 64 on Mobile and 74 on Desktops.

Google Page Speed rating with WordPress 3.8 and new format

Google Page Speed rating with WordPress 3.8 and new format

There are still some behind the scenes tweaks that will get page loading under 2 seconds.

Looking good on small screens

I tested this morning and the new format is working on Apple iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.1 without using any special java-script for each platform. That is thanks to the technology that drives WordPress 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and now 3.8.

If you are looking at NJN on your phone, is it easier to read today than yesterday?

There are some options to move the smartphone format to a slightly different layout with just thumbnails, story title and summary.

Format change

There are several new ways to format the front page and post pages. Frankly, I am like a kid in a candy story exploring all the options to come up a great looking format.

Bugs and tweaks

There are some obvious bugs.

  1. The feature image appears twice, once above the title – fixed with help from Support
  2. The NJN logo is missing
  3. The right sidebar is empty

If you find anything else send an email to sdpate (@) or leave a message below.

Thanks for your support and patience.

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