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Remembrance Day 2013 Remembering Better

Remembrance Day - remember better

Official Veterans Affairs video asks us to remember veterans but does the government really care?

Remembrance Day - remember better

Remembrance Day – remember better (photo montage from Veterans Affairs video by Stephen Pate/NJN Network)

We should remember our veterans better. The drastic changes to Veterans Pensions in Canada has left many veterans wondering if the government still cares.

Does the government need to save money on the blood, sweat and lives of the men and women who sacrificed their lives and health? By reducing veterans pensions, the government appears to be all pomp and circumstance but little substance.

The Toronto Star reported Veterans across Canada protest against planned budget cuts and benefits

Veterans’ advocates they achieved their goal despite modest turnouts at some demonstrations Saturday to protest against proposed cuts to the budget of Veterans Affairs Canada.

Dozens of protesters, most of them veterans, gathered on Parliament Hill on Saturday afternoon to call attention to what they call the government’s lack of compassion for those who have fought for their country.

A rally in Halifax drew some 30 protesters and onlookers to city hall despite the frigid fall weather.

A similar demonstration was held outside the department’s headquarters in Charlottetown on Friday.

“People on the Hill have come up and said, ‘I never knew,’ and that’s the object,” organizer Mike Blais of the group Canadian Veterans Advocacy said from Ottawa.

“The object is to draw attention to the situation and I think … we’ve certainly accomplished our goal today,” he said.

The next step will come during next week’s Remembrance Day celebrations, said Blais, who hopes Canadians will use the occasion to rally behind living veterans as well as honour the fallen.

For the rest of the story see Veterans across Canada protest against planned budget cuts and benefits

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