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Media, Politics, USA

NBC Admit Bias In News Entertainment Conflict on “Hillary”

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (photo by Angela Radulescu creative commons)

NBC News political director Chuck Todd calls the “Hillary” event-programming project a “total nightmare” for the network’s news division.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (photo by Angela Radulescu creative commons)

When we watch network news do we think about the conflicts within the news departments that determine what stories we see and the link between news and entertainment?

Chuck Todd said this about the mini-series “Hillary”

This is why this mini-series is a total nightmare for NBC News … We know there’s this giant firewall, we know we have nothing to do with it, we know that we’d love probably to be as critical or whatever … But there’s nothing we can do about it, and we’re going to only own the negative … People are going to see the peacock, and they see NBC, and they see NBC News, and they think, ‘Well, they can’t be that separate.’ … The two entities are sometimes at war with each other … I can’t tell you how many fights we’ve had internally about whether to cover … some live news event and those … guys on the West Coast, they want to … run some rerun of ‘Parks and Recreation’ or whatever, because they’ll make money.

Story from Slate

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