Woody Guthrie’s 100th Birthday would be July 14, 2012
By Stephen Pate – It’s a famous picture with the Woody Guthrie guitar sign proclaiming his war on Fascism.
What guitar was that?
Martin Guitar did a Woody Guthrie commemorative guitar but it was not the one in the picture. The Martin is a 000-18.
Gibson has a Woody Guthrie SJ that looks like the famous photo.
We are preparing a review of the Gibson Woody Guthrie SJ for his 100th birthday.
“If you own the guitar and would like to comment, add one to this story or send an email to stepate “at” gmail.com.
We have worked with two samples of the Gibson Woody Guthrie SJ so we will have sound samples plus comments about build from a professional luthier.
Thanks for contributing if you can.
Dirk Stallaert
Can someone tell me the brand of the guitar Woody Guthrie is holding on several of his best known pictures? It’s a 12 fret steelstring with fancy inlay around the soundhole and a strange kind of pickguard. The cover of the Joe Klein WG-biography shows the guitar and there you can distinguish a part of the inside label saying “…solas…”
Dirk, Ghent Belgium – Europe
Dirk Stallaert
P.S. The guitar on the picture you show seems to me a Gibson L-00.