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Noah Wyle arrested marching for disabled

Noah Wyle is pictured in handcuffs at a protest by the disability rights group ADAPT in Washington, D.C. on April 23, 2012. - (photo National ADAPT)

Popular celebrity Noah Wyle is arrested at D.C. protest by disability rights group ADAPT


Noah Wyle is pictured in handcuffs at a protest by the disability rights group ADAPT in Washington, D.C. on April 23, 2012. - (photo National ADAPT)

Hollywood stars are coming out for social activism and the ER cast is leading.

Noah Wyle, who played medical student John Carter in ER, was arrested and taken away in handcuffs at the ADAPT disability rally in Washington. DC.

George Clooney was recently arrested for civil disobedience at the Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC protesting the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan.

Wyle, 40, was among members of ADAPT, the disability rights organization, in Washington, D.C. ADAPT is urging Congress not to cut Medicaid support for Americans with disabilities.

“Today, I took part in an effort by Adapt to bring attention to the Medicaid cuts that have been made by many States and are threatened to be made on a Federal level … This issue is about Civil Rights not about medicine,” Wyle said. (Reuters)

In the photo on the right, Wyle is seen walking holding an American flag with protesters in wheelchairs and scooters. On the right he is shown in handcuffs being led off by the police.


Noah Wyle

Wyle said it was “slightly surreal…”As soon as everybody saw me being led away, they let up a big whooping cheer, which made me feel really good.”

“Wyle had warned his ex-wife and children – 9-year-old son Owen and 6-year-old daughter Auden, that he might be arrested. He told the news wire: “I think they’re really proud of the old man right now.”” (OTRC)

I have always wondered how they handcuff people in wheelchairs behind their backs. Do you know?

The event was billed as ADAPT Celebrity Fun Runner


ADAPT protesters inside the the Federal Cannon Building, Washington DC (photo ADAPT)

“ADAPT is honored to announce that Noah Wyle, currently starring in “Falling Skies,” will join us at the ADAPT 7th Annual FUN RUN for Disability Rights as our 2012 “Celebrity Fun Runner” on Sunday April 22, 2012 in Washington, DC.”

“The FUN RUN is an event to raise funds so ADAPT can continue its national and state advocacy to end the Medicaid institutional bias. All funds raised will be used to change our long term care policy so people with disabilities and older Americans are not forced into nursing homes and other institutions.”

“The theme of the FUN RUN is “My Medicaid Matters” to convey the message that “Real People” want Medicaid funding to be used for in-home community services.”

“Mr. Wyle will be working with ADAPT activists to promote the message of the My Medicaid Matters Campaign to End the Institutional Bias in our country’s long term care policy.”

It’s hard to tell from any of the reports why the police felt it necessary to arrest peaceful disability protesters.


Noah Wyle in Falling Skies (TNT)

Noah Wyle is currently starring in the TNT series ‘Falling Skies’.  “Noah Wyle (born June 4, 1971) is an American film, television, and theatre actor. He is best known for his role as Dr John Truman Carter III in the Medical drama ER. He has also played Steve Jobs in the 1999 docudrama Pirates of Silicon Valley and Flynn Carsen in The Librarian franchise. Wyle was named one of the 50 Most Beautiful People by People magazine in 2001. He currently plays Tom Mason in the hit TNT series Falling Skies.”

ADAPT “is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom.”

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