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NJN Network is darkened today to protest SOPA PIPA

Wikipedia goes dark for SOPA protest

Wearing black for SOPA protest


Wikipedia goes dark for SOPA protest

If SOPA passes the US Congress in anything close to its current form, the internet as we know it will be essentially dead.

We are joining sites around the world to protest like Wikipedia, Flickr, and Reddit.

Simply linking to a website that contains material that someone claims is a copyright violation can have a website removed from the internet listing.

Bye bye YouTube and any site that contains video, pictures or other content.

Post a concert video of anyone without signed permission or their picture and you might be subject to an internet ban. Even written permission can be rescinded and you’ll be in trouble. Why bother sharing anything.

Linking a video on your Facebook page could mean your account is deleted or Facebook is shut down.

Control of information will revert to big companies who have the money for lawyers.

It’s not just the US. Canada’s internet is controlled in the United States.

Other Canadian sites are joining the protest. Canadians join website blackout protest against SOPA

Globe and Mail – 4 reasons why the Web hates US anti-piracy Acts

For more on why SOPA is dangerous and the move to stop it, check out TechDirt and Wikipedia.

It ain’t over till it’s over.

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