“I dance and snowboard…And I am SICK of getting hurt by guys” Tabitha Stepple
The country is shocked to hear the story about three young people gunned down on the highway in Alberta, apparently by the ex-boyfriend of Tabitha Stipple one of the victims says the Calgary Herald.
Mitch Maclean and Tanner Craswell were two young ball players from PEI on their way home for Christmas, being driven to the airport by their female friends.
“A source told the Herald the gunman is thought to be an ex-boyfriend of one of the two women travelling in the vehicle with the baseball players.” Calgary Herald
Apparently the ex-boyfriend forced the car with the four young people off the road and tried to kill them all with a gun. When he had done this cowardly violent act, he committed suicide in the ditch.
“Shayna Conway, also in her early 20s, survived the shooting. Conway, believed to be the girlfriend of one of the victims, is recovering at the Foothills Medical Centre.” Calgary Herald
Tabitha Stepple, also killed in the accident although he name has not been officially confirmed, was a young girl who liked to socialize and be involved with sports.
Tabitha wrote this profile on her social media site “I dance and snowboard…And I am SICK of getting hurt by guys…”
A young woman with her whole life ahead of her but afraid of guys.
Yes Tabitha was a victim of male abuse even before her ex-boyfriend allegedly shot her and three other friends.
So the unnamed assailant has taken her life, her two friends and wounded another young person.
What is it with guys they want to beat up women?
It happens all the time. Haven’t we grown up a species for enough millennium to get over the cave man thing?
When is enough enough?
A few weeks ago on PEI a man killed his girl friend or co-worker then killed himself. What is the sense of that?
Remember the École Polytechnique Massacre with 28 women shot by some guy who hated feminism. That was Canada’s great shame.
Fathers are killing daughters in Canada, the US, India, and all over the world because they want to control them.
If someone wants to off themselves, that would be a personal but lamentable choice. Why the need to take other people out in the same act?
One day I was having lunch with then-PEI MLA Cynthia Dunsford. I was encouraging her to think about the needs of seniors and others with disabilities. We had the same conversation dozens of times before and after her election. Cynthia was concerned.
I guess I got a little emotional at one point about abuse of people with disabilities and she stopped me in my tracks.
“Stephen, you don’t even know how much abuse a group can take. For instance, women are beaten and murdered with regularity.”
Humbled by her words, it made me realize we are still abusing women, long after that should have stopped.
We need to make peace with each other, with women, minorities and all our brothers and sisters.
Men need to stop treating women like property and taking out our emotion problems on them. Fathers, brothers, sons, single, married – men need to make peace with women.
Although Lennon didn’t get the peace he wished for, we can still think about his words – give peace a chance. Peace starts with you and me – each person with each other person.
Janet Maddix
Stephen, it was interesting to read this article. Such a tragedy again and such young lives lost to their loved ones. May peace find them, and I wish the families comfort and strength through this heart wrenching time .
It’s wonderful to have men like yourself, write such wise words about women and to spread kindness and peace

Many groups have many struggles yes, and unfortunately it’s usually about intolerance and ignorance and even today’s society stands by and allows bullying to a great degree, whether at workplaces, schools, churches, homes, at malls ; EVERYWHERE !!! We have to educate our children at an early age ( both our boys and girls ) to be accepting, inclusive, peaceful and yet strong too !!! My wonderful husband has always instilled in our son, from a very young age, to respect women and to be a “gentlemen” at all times !!! Not hard to do some say ; but do “they” do this too !!!
I’m certainly not saying we’re perfect; no one is, however, we must each individual, make the effort to help in our own “little worlds” to make our shared “big world” a better, peaceful place !! Yes Stephen, I want to give peace a chance too
Merry Christmas and keep up the great thought provoking articles
From our house to yours : May peace find you all, and health be yours this holiday and all through the coming years
Steve, old buddy old pal. If you’re gonna go write things that people read, get your facts right, and not your imagination or inference.
The only material you have that Stepple was ‘abused’ was a one-off comment on hi5, that for any normal person was clearly more likely referring to her recent breakup than any actual abuse.
The ex was clearly had issues, but short of pushing her off a bar stool earlier in the night, there have otherwise been ZERO reports at this stage that he was ever physical with her. That may change in the coming days, but as of right now you are WAY outta line with the accusations.
If you’re gonna take a person who died early and tragically and make a martyr of them, at least make goddamn sure you’ve got your facts right. You’ve embarrassed yourself here.
Chase I don’t think Steve has embarrassed himself at all. There is always a pattern of behavior. 1+1 =2, the minute I heard about the shooting I knew an ex was involved and one of the passengers was at one time his girlfriend. Why because the pattern fits. Also Tabitha’s friend spoke on National TV about Tabitha stating he was controlling and needed to know where she was. You don’t think that kind of control comes without abuse. Steve did not name the type of abuse involved, but talk to any specialist in the field, control is abuse. You my friend need to get educated before you slam someone else for not having the facts. You obviously have no idea about abuse. This is probably a good thing, it means you haven’t been there. Lucky you. Now go and educate yourself!
Stephen Pate
The controlling behavior, as Debra says, is an easy to identify pattern among men. Some men believe it is their right to control women, cave-man style. There is a lot of ugly culture that supports the ancient beliefs.
Calgary Herald
“Friends have identified the shooter as Stepple’s ex-boyfriend, Lethbridge resident Derek Jensen, 20. The couple had broken up after a volatile relationship.”
“Friends told CTV News that Jensen was controlling and that the pair had an altercation earlier Wednesday evening at a bar.”
“He “lost his mind and pushed her out of a chair and he was yelling. Then we left, he was phoning her, phoning her, phoning her and said to her, ‘This night’s not going to end well for you, I hope you know that,’ ” Cait McFarland told CTV News.”
Stephen Pate
There is a Facebook page for the victims
Roch Lobster
You say “humbled by her words…”.
Why would you be humbled. Abuse of the disabled and elderly is pretty wide-spread. You’re allowed to bring up the presence of abuse in your own community.