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Canada gets Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Galaxy Nexus 4.0

Costco has the Bell Galaxy Nexus for at low introductory price of $85


Galaxy Nexus 4.0

I was surprised to see Costco heavily discount the Galaxy Nexus on introduction this week.

For once, Canadians get the phone before the USA. The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday the 4G LTE phone has no release date in the US yet.

This is the first Android 4 smart phone to market.

To put things in perspective the hot iPhone 4S is only a 3.7″ screen with 3G communications.

The Galaxy Nexus has a 4.65″ screen and uses 4G. Sorry Apple, your phone is so 2010 except for Siri.

When you check out the larger screen it’s so obvious why the iPhone has fallen behind the times. It’s tiny and hard to read. 

3G was nice two years ago but 4G with theoretical speeds up to 784 Mbps means faster browsing and movies that show without halting on the gorgeous large screen.

Bell is limiting 4G to 21 Mbps but the phone can move up 84 Mbps once the networks are in place.

4G and at least a 4.2″ screen should have been in the iPhone 4s. Apple is falling behind the competition, which is one reason people are flocking to the Android platform. Competition between manufacturers is creating better hand sets.

While the camera offers 1080p resolution, it is only 5 megapixels.

Is the Galaxy Nexus for you? Only you can answer that one.

Here are some reviews from CNET (where they don’t have the phone) and CNET UK (where they do).

The Galaxy Nexus is just one of the hot new phones that are being released in the next few months.

Without the Costco discount, Bell sells the Galaxy Nexus on a three year contract for $160, which is the same price at Virgin Mobile.

The initial price is of course just the bait on the hook. A three year contract for any smartphone will reduce your bank account by $2,000.

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