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PEI will lose more land to flooding

Flooding in Atlantic Canada

Climate change will affect Alberta and Saskatchewan the least


Flooding in Atlantic Canada

According to CBC and a government sponsored think tank, PEI is at the highest risk of losing land to flooding from climate change.

While Alberta and Saskatchewan will lose zero land to climate change flooding, PEI will lose 1.3% to 1.6%. That will impact highways, bridges, coastal villages and both Charlottetown and Summerside which already experience storm surge damage.



“Climate change could cost Canada billions a year as early as 2020,” reports CBC “depending on how severe it is and how well the country adapts, says a report released Thursday morning.”

“The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy looked at the cost of climate change on Canada’s prosperity, public health and in coastal areas affected by weather events.”

The economic impact is extra costs of $5 billion a year by 2020 and “$21 billion and $43 billion per year by 2050.”

The water is expected to permanently rise around the coastline by as much as 7 inches (18 cm) in only 8 years by 2020. The average temperature will increase 1.8 C. in Canada which will have major impacts on crops and the economy.

Waterfront properties may be underwater.

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