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Yuri Gagarin first space orbit real time 50 years ago

Yuri Gagarin, first man in space (picture )

Video recreates the first earth orbit of humans by Russian Yuri Gagarin April 11 1961 50 years ago

Yuri Gagarin, first man in space (picture )

Put this on your monitor – turn on the sound and relax for the next hour and 39 minutes as the first earth orbit is recreated.

“It’s been exactly 50 years to the day — in some places, anyway — that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s maiden voyage set off an international space race that defined an era, and while only Gagarin knew exactly what it was like to be the first man in space.

Documentarian Christopher Riley is giving us a glimpse of what the world might have looked like from the porthole of Vostok 1.

First Orbit is a mashup of sorts that features original audio recordings from Gagarin’s flight, coupled with footage taken by Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli from aboard the International Space Station.

The result is nothing short of stunning, but you don’t have to take our word for it — in fact, go ahead and grab yourself some popcorn, hit the play button, and prepare to be amazed.”

Video follows the story break. 

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What amazes me is how we were told to dislike Gagarin and the Russians. Now we are officially allowed to salute him as a friend of all mankind.

Gagarin died 27 March 1968 on a routine training flight.

For more on Gagarin, check out Yuri Gagarin , Wikipedia, and Russian Archives Online

Story suggested by Engadget.

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