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The Band 1983 streaming live rock concert

The Band in concert 1973, Garth Hudson and Rick Danko (pic Wolfgang's Vault)

Wolfgang’s Vault has added video streaming including concerts by The Band, Stones, Byrds, Tom Petty – you name it

By Stephen Pate – Wolfgang’s Vaults has added streaming videos of rock concerts to the existing thousands of audio streams.

I should be working but I’m so buzzed after listening to The Rolling Stones from 1981 and this 1983 concert from The Band. (corrected from my error “1973”)

Click on the link now. Don’t wait. Try it. It’s free.

The link opens in another window so you can finish reading while the music plays.

Early releases include an impressive list of who’s who of rock music: The Band, The Rolling Stones, The Byrds, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Grateful Dead, Lynryd Skynyrd and Muddy Waters.

Wolfgang’s Vault contains the personal copies of concerts promoted by the legendary Bill Graham, an escapee of Nazi Germany. His real name was Wolodia “Wolfgang” Grajonca. Bill Graham’s legacy to the world is he kept all those tapes and his estate has setup virtually free access to some of the best rock music of all time.


The Band in concert 1973, Garth Hudson and Rick Danko (pic Wolfgang’s Vault)

The audio is generally from soundboards so it varies like the quality of sound at concerts. It’s never bad and by signing up for WVIP you get the best quality streaming on the audio and video.

The bitrate on the videos goes as high as 1900 which is excellent quality and it’s stereo.

I’ve been a fan of streaming rock concerts from Wolfgang’s Vault since I signed up last year for WVIP at $50 a year. That fee is the best bargain in music since most of this music has never been heard before.

Wolfgang’s Vault contains music from “tens of thousands in all from the Bill Graham Archive, the King Biscuit Flower Hour, and the Newport Jazz and Folk Festivals.” It’s an awesome collection.

iPhone / iPad

Bad news for iPhone/iPad – WV vault ap doesn’t work for the videos which are in Flash.

Don’t sweat it – create the link in your iPhone / iPad browser and the video will play in the browser.

Right now I have Eight Miles High by The Byrds on the iPad, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers on the iPhone (having trouble loading), and Miss You by The Rolling Stones.  It doesn’t seem to allow more than one stream at a time.

There is an Apple App for the streaming audio which I’ve been using and like.

Using the browser is a bit painful since you have to enter the login/password and the screen isn’t optimized on the iPhone. However, it works except the iPhone is struggling with the stream.

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Follow me on Twitter at @sdpate or on Facebook at NJN Network and OyeTimes.


  1. Ed

    Milk Cow Blues cajum style . . . whoda thought. Awesome stuff. The video says 1983, not 1973. No Robertson means it’s the reformed Band in 1983.

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Thanks for the correction. Band sounds great even without Robertson but that probably explains why some of the guitar leads are not the same.

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