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Super moon tonight end of the world or just cool

Perigee moon tonight (picture

March 19 2011 Moon rise will be the largest moon since 1983

Perigee moon
Perigee moon tonight (picture

When the moon rises tonight about 7:45 PM it will be 14% larger than normal as it reaches apogee.

If you get a chance to see it rise in the east near the horizon it should be spectacular. This effect can happen any time but it will be officially 14% bigger.

For a moon rise calculator in your area, check out World Clock

The buzz on the web is that natural disasters will occur at a greater rate – the moon has a pull on the tides right.

I don’t remember the last perigee moon. I do remember several moon rises near the horizon that were spectacular.

NASA and other scientists say the tidal effect is a mere few centimeters higher.

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After the past week in Japan, the earth has enough destructive power with earthquakes and tsunamis to make the moon effect pale in comparison.

This week CBC re-broadcast Geologic Journey II The Western Pacific Rim episode which explains why the Pacific Rim is so dangerous. (The Nature of Things). It was fascinating to see how powerful and dangerous it is when the two tectonic plates push against each other.


Perigee Super Moon Around the World

Super Moon coming on May 5 – 6

Searching for the Perigee Super-Moon

NASA – Perigee “Super Moon” On May 5-6


  1. Dennis

    I would have loved to see it but it is cloudy in PA. tonight. I’ll have to wait for the next one.

  2. Tess Elliott

    I saw a supermoon rise over the trees back in the 60’s when I was a girl. No picture on earth can compare to the physical reality of seeing something like this with your own eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw, but terrifying because we never read about astronomy & knew about it so I thought somehow the Earth was going to crash into it until it rose high enough to be normal again. It felt like you could touch it and it was wondrous.

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