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Chrome Browser Fast Internet Explorer 9 Faster

ComputerWorld tests show Chrome has picked up speed but Opera and IE9 are faster


Chart by ComputerWorld, shorter is better

ComputerWorld touts the new Chrome 10 browser as faster Hands-on: Chrome 10 pushes the browser speed barrier

“The new version of Google’s Chrome browser adds speed, password syncing and a new Options tab.”

The comparison to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 is a bit disengenuous since the tests show IE 9 (being released on March 14th) is the fastest browser.

Opera 11 is faster than Chrome 10 as well.

Speed isn’t everything. Ease of use and functionality mean more than raw speed since the browser is waiting for instructions most of the time.

We’ll report more in IE 9’s new features later. How to make your computer 5 times faster without spending a cent


  1. Inder at Oye! Times has been trying to get me to use Chrome. You have some compelling graphs for IE9. Being a die-hard Firefox user, is giving up familiarity worth the move? [chuckles] Unfortunately, Bell Sympatico cannot offer me anything greater than 2 MB in my apartment block so no matter what I do, I seem to be stuck. – Thanks for the info. Good article, good study of the technology. – wb 🙂

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Chrome is slower and has compatibility issues with MS Office. Proceed at your own risk. Thanks for the comment.

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