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Canada, Government of PEI, News, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

PEI catches the worst of winter storm

Murray River (Photo special to The Guardian by Tanya Campbell)

More damage to Canada’s tiny coastal province than anyone can remember


Murray River (Photo special to The Guardian by Tanya Campbell)

Updated with video – The mid-winter storms used to bring snow and wind, with loss of power and isolated communities. The 2010 December winter storm brought high winds, pounding rain and surf.

The coastal villages and wharfs of PEI sustained extensive damage.

For a a photo slide show see The Guardian coverage.  Storm damage stuns Islanders on P.E.I.’s shoreline

Hats off to all the photographers, amateur and otherwise who took those great photos. If you have other photos or links, send them along in the comments please.

The damage has not been assessed yet. It will be in the tens of millions as roads, bridges, culverts and wharfs sustained extensive damage.

In the City of Charlottetown, it was windy and rainy for three days but there was little damage or evidence of nature’s destructive force.

Somewhat ironically the Guardian reported “Even Premier Robert Ghiz ventured out to take a look.”

On Wednesday the CBC reported Ghiz was potentially looking for Federal aid. 

“If need be, we’ll look to the federal government. We have six months to really do all the calculations before we decide whether or not we’re looking for relief or not,” said Ghiz. “But as of now, there are two bridges down and we hope to get to work on them as soon as possible to get them back up and working.” CBC

Ghiz is not your typical take-charge kind of leader. As well, PEI’s Premier is known for his antipathy to rural PEI.

Those expecting the Premier to be actively surveying the damage and organizing the reconstruction are reminded of George W. Bush and the New Orleans / Katrina catastrophe.

Islanders living near the water were reminded again that Mother Nature is not to be underestimated in her fury.

The talk on the street includes worry that global warming will begin to affect our Island lifestyle in dangerously negative ways.


  1. Tony Lohnes

    Another storm is on the way. Not a good thing. All the best to you in the New Year!

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Won’t hurt – stay home.

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