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Bob Dylan, Entertainment, Music, NJN

The Times They Are A Changing – my favorite Dylan song from the 60s

Bob Dylan singing at The White House (photo and video courtesy of The White House)

Only one day left to enter our contest to win free Bob Dylan CD Concert at Brandeis University


Bob Dylan singing at The White House (photo and video courtesy of The White House)

Call me crazy but I want to give away a copy of Bob Dylan CD Concert at Brandeis University. I offered it to a buddy but he said – have some fun give it away on NJN.

Send us your pick for Dylan’s best 1960s song and that’s all it takes to win. Contest ends November 30th, 2010.

So here’s the link to the contest rules – pretty simple.

Here’s the comment from Mike LaFerney of Maine on why he likes The Times They Are A Changing

“The times they are a changing” is my favorite because the lyrics:   

“Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’.”
(lyrics copyright Bob Dylan)

(It) has new meaning now that I’m the Father in the song. It helps me understand what my children and other young people feel
and I’m more understanding and less judgmental.

Mike LaFerney, MA”

Thanks Mike. I could ask “how does it feel?”. We thought our parents didn’t understand us – OK they didn’t. Dylan has to understand grandchildren these days, as do many of us. Sigh.

The performance is 2010 from The White House.

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