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Losing weight when you have a disability

Stephen Pate at 220+ lbs, morbidly obese with a disability

It’s not easy, but losing weight will make life better and may extend our lifespan


Stephen Pate at 220+ lbs, morbidly obese with a disability

Living with disability and weight gain often go hand in hand but they are a killer combination. Being the right weight can make everyday with a disability better.

Part one of a four three part series on losing weight sensibly for everyone but especially those living with disabilities who have limited mobility

I knew I was in trouble when I weighed 220 + lbs at 5’7″ and couldn’t walk anymore.

“Go to the grocery store and get a 30 lb turkey,” my physiotherapist one day. “Carry it around all day for a week.”

“I can’t do that!” I protested. “My arms will only carry 25 lbs.”

“Well, you’re carrying at least 60 lbs too much on those legs every day. You need to get your weight under control,” she replied firmly.

She was right. I was actually carrying 65 lbs too much. At 29 years old, I only weighed 129 lbs.

210 lbs was too high but I excused it with “What can I do? I can’t exercise because of fatigue and muscle pain.”

All that extra weight was making post polio syndrome worse. Extra weight is a no-no for neuro-muscular disabilities including MS, MD, post-polio, stroke and all the disabilities that affect walking or muscle movement.

Overweight, obesity and morbid obesity

Americans and Canadians have become overweight nations, despite billions spent on dieting. Obesity is when your weight is 20% above your ideal, which for me would be 185 lbs.

Morbid obesity – isn’t that an ugly term? – occurs when your body weight is 40% above normal. Morbid obesity means a serious life expectancy decline. While all obese people are subject to health problems, the morbidly obese can expect heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer.

However, all those threats to health don’t mean a hill of beans when you have the weight problem.

For people with disabilities, obesity becomes just another hurdle in the day-to-day struggle to survive.  Telling people with disabilities they might die sooner does little to change their weight.

Frankly, there are days for people with disabilities when escaping their existence might seem like a momentary blessing.  I can remember thinking, during those dark days, “you mean if I’m really smart about my weight I’ll have to suffer like this for an extra ten years? Pile on the gravy.”

Making everyday life better with a disability


Me at 163 lbs and holding two years later, life with disability was better

My take on losing weight is to make today and everyday better, easier to get by. Living longer would be a bonus. If we are disabled and obese, the obesity can make life worse. Our energy is being sapped just carrying around the old middle tire.

So I embarked on a year long campaign to lose weight and got down to 163. It was marvelous. At 185 lbs the doctor stopped talking about high blood pressure. There was none. At 175 lbs I could stop taking Losec for GERD.

About that time, I was able to walk more and even got into a rock band for one summer. OK that wasn’t the smartest thing but I had tons of energy. Without the 50 lb turkey on my back, my muscles and bones could carry me.

My mental health improved tremendously and I started working on volunteer projects, a few business ideas and generally got my life turned around from inactivity to activity.

Disability doesn’t go away at ideal weight. It’s just more manageable.  The trick was not only losing it but keeping it off.

On that I was a partial failure since after 6 years I let 40 lbs pile back on, with the exact same results as last time: GERD, no energy and potential heart problems.

This article is long enough and it’s lunch time so I’ll quit here and take it up tomorrow with Getting real with calories.

More stories in the series

Getting real with calories disability and the 30-lb-turkey

Measure twice eat once to lose that 30 lb turkey

Software is your personal coach in losing weight

Stay health while dieting

In adopting any diet you should consult a professional dietitian for special medical conditions. That being said, I’ve never found anyone who knew how to help someone lose weight when you can’t run around the block.


  1. How did you lose the weight? I am mum to a young person with disabilities.
    Sincerely Anne

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Thanks for writing. I have one more article to write on the software I used and perhaps another on my personal experiences. Stay tuned and ask questions.

  3. I’d like to publish this in my newsletter Gleanings. Do I have your permission? And when will I be able to see the rest of it.

  4. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Go right ahead as long as you leave in the attribution and link back to Disability Alert.

    Nice to hear from you. Have a great day out in Nebraska, the Cornhusker State.

    Cheers, Stephen Pate

  5. Are you based out of Trenton? When did you have polio. I am a polio survivor, live in Allentown, NJ and am a Post-Polio patient of Dr. Richard Bruno, one of the world’s most reknown experts on Post-Polio Syndrome. I am a Rotarian and would like you to consider speaking to our Rotary Chapter about your polio and post-polio experiences.

  6. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Thanks for the comment.

    I am also a polio survivor. You are lucky to have Dr. Bruno as your physician. Can I say I envy you?

    I had a girlfriend in Easton PA a long time ago but I don’t live there. I’m from Prince Edward Island Canada.

    I would love to speak at your Rotary Club. I was a Rotarian for almost 2 decades and got my Paul Harris Fellow. One of my last assignments assisting the Chair of Polio Plus by speaking at all the clubs on PEI. It worked. We were over-subscribed.

    Distance is a problem. If I’m coming down to the States, I’ll write you ahead of time and see if it’s convenient.

    Thanks for the comment and contact.

    Cheers, Stephen Pate

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