Manager of Long and McQuade and recording studio owner takes junket
I was checking out the new guitars on 12th Fret this morning. Don’t ask: guitarists do this all the time. It keeps us out of pool halls and off Lavalife. I found some off-time pics of Dave Skinner.
12 Canadians were taken by Yorkville Sound to Nashville to tour the Gibson Guitar factories and have a little R&R.
I love factory tours because they are free and you get to see how your favourite guitar is made. Cool
The 12th Fret guy on the tour posted some pics and coverage.
Lo and behold there is Dave Skinner from Long and McQuade in Charlottetown in the midst of the group.
Dave is the manager of Long and McQuade in Charlottetown and a darn good salesman. He must have won the tour for his good efforts on behalf of his employer, who actually owns Yorkville Sound, the Canadian Gibson distributor.
Quel surpris!
There are lots of shots of the factory and the people with a great write of their experiences and more secret pictures of our man Dave.
Check out the new guitars on 12th Fret while you’re there. They don’t pay me to tell you they have some of the coolest guitars around.
When you are in Charlottetown, drip in to see Dave.
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