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Twitter auto DM is not cool

Annoying followers with auto DM “thanks for following me” does not build your brand

new-twitterThere are too many consultants helping people and businesses establish a social media presence without understanding the media. They recommend the annoying auto DM feature.

It doesn’t work to irritate people with a phony message.

If you want to send a message, cool. We’d like to read it.

But auto DM is not a message – it’s Twitter spam.

Good Tweets get people’s attention not spam. Impress us with your wit. Dazzle us with your insight.

“Thanks for following, and interact with us whenever you need to!”

“Thanks for Following me !”  

“Thanks for the follow, will make sure to keep up to date information on” fill in the blanks with another exclamation mark !!!! at the end.

or how about this one that arrives every second day “sent you a FREE GIFT to join…xyz”

It doesn’t work. Annoying people is annoying them on the phone, on TV and on Twitter.

The social media consultants are also the one’s who tell you to set up a blog and stuff it with free, useless articles on your topic of choice and watch the money roll in. Liars!

Social media brands are built with authenticity which means people talking to people. Send me a real message anytime. I’d love to read it and might reply.

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